
On Kawara – Pure Consiousness
Skulptur Projekte Münster
booklet   exhibition design   

The Skulptur Projekte 2017 (SP17) have staged the first venue for Pure Consciousness since Kawara’s death in 2014, ushering in a new era in the work’s existence. The Münster presentation was reserved exclusively for the children at the Berg Fidel day-care centre, and purposely took place in the spring of this year, that is, before the actual Skulptur Projekte dates. The documentation on view here sheds light on the exhibition in the Münster kindergarten as well as on the previous venues of Pure Consciousness since 1998. […] (Excerpt from the walltext in the exhibition)

Booklet design for On Kawara’s Pure Consciousness project in Münster and display design for the archival exhibition on the history of the project (1998 – 2017), on display at the Pablo Picasso Art Museum. Exhibition design in collaboration with Akiko Bernhöft, Nina Hoffmann and Kathrin Sonntag, within the framework of the Skulptur Projekte 2017 (10.6.–1.10.2017).

Curator: Akiko Bernhöft
Assistant: Konstanze Klecha
Photographs: Nina Hoffmann, Akiko Bernhöft (booklet), Kathrin Sonntag (wallpaper)


14.8 × 20 cm; 16pp; b/w illustrations
Published by: Akiko Bernhöft and Skulptur Projekte Münster 2017
Text and editing: Akiko Bernhöft
Translation: Judith Rosenthal
Copyediting: Ben Fergusson
Printing: Druckerei Kettler, Bönen/Westfalen