Kasia Fukadowski
The questions that make up the heady internal dialogue experienced when considering the purchase of a property are the leading thread through Kasia Fudakowski’s exhibition ‘Dream Home Experience’ at the Städtische Galerie Delmenhorst. The aesthetics and iconography of the real estate industry come into focus through Fudakowski’s ‘serving suggestion sculptures’, cautiously proposing a function, without offering any possibility of actual use. The irreverent collages within the accompanying publication put together from real estate print paraphernalia, photographs of her own sculptures and the empty gallery rooms deprive one another of their relative status and become ripe victims for the dark humour that prevails throughout ‘Dream Home Experience’.
Edited by Städtische Galerie Delmenhorst, Annett Reckert
With texts by Annett Reckert, Anna Sabrina Schmid
and Anna Szaflarski
23 × 30 cm , 80 pp.
Published by Motto Distribution, 2014